Orange Jordan selects six startups to join the sixth season of BIG

Orange Jordan selects six startups to join the sixth season of BIG

6 Nov 2018
​The steering committee of the startup accelerator program, BIG met to select six of 13 qualified startups to join the 6th season of the program, noting that 70 companies have applied for the new season of BIG.The 13 companies presented their projects in front of the committee consisting of the CEO of Orange Jordan, Thierry Marigny, Chief Enterprise Officer at Orange Jordan, Mr. Sami Smeirat, Strategy and Governance Director at Orange Jordan, Médéric Chomel, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Int@j, Dr. Bashar Hawamdeh, General Manager of Roya TV, Fares Sayegh, Managing Director of Arabic Venture, Faisal Hakki, and Executive Chairman of iPARK, Omar Hamarneh. Marigny said that reaching up to the sixth season of this promising program reflects its importance and added value in supporting startup companies. This accomplishment sheds light on the startups that graduated under the program's umbrella, and their projects on a national socioeconomic level, pointing out that Orange Jordan's support offers an opportunity for growth and development, and motivates others to become part of this ambitious program.Through BIG, Orange Jordan provides startups that join the program with logistic support and guidance. During the program, these companies are given the opportunity to test the market in a thoughtful and practical way, to determine its needs and in return, provide optimal solutions. The program also helps startups design their products and services, come up with marketing and strategic plans through providing services which include telecommunications, technical support, accounting, human resources, legal consulting as well as media coverage and providing suitable work spaces at BIG.The role of Orange Jordan extends to organizing interactive sessions during international conferences held between startups and large companies wishing to enter new investments. Orange Jordan also took the initiative and signed partnerships with many companies, in order to cooperate and benefit from their products to enhance the services provided to their subscribers.Additionally, Orange Jordan works on hosting events dedicated to startups that are part of the program, and offers them the opportunity to attend local and international conferences and events, to help them establish new relationships and partnerships with local and international companies.It is worth mentioning BIG program was launched in 2015, and has supported 25 companies to this date, which aims to serve young entrepreneurs, stimulate the startups and small businesses sector, and enhance their contribution in the national economy. This falls in line with the company's five-year corporate strategy, "Essentials 2020" which focuses on one of its most important pillars, where it supports entrepreneurship in the Kingdom through an institutional and systematic framework.  -END-
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