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Orange Jordan supported several Ramadan initiatives with partners from civil society institutions and charities to promote social solidarity, help individuals and families in need and spread joy across the Kingdom, as part of the company’s continuous community support.
Orange Jordan sponsored Mujaddidun to distribute 6500 food parcels during Ramadan and covered more than 400 coupons in cooperation with the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization. The company also provided cancer patients’ families with coupons in cooperation with the Jordan Cancer Society.
Aiming to spread joy among children, Orange Jordan sponsored orphans’ iftar held at the Children’s Museum in cooperation with “Let’s Make Them Happy” association for the second consecutive year, hosting 150 kids to enjoy entertaining activities including the traditional storyteller and an iftar banquet. Several Orange Jordan employees volunteered in this activity.
In a partnership with media, Orange Jordan provided food parcels for 6 episodes of the “Nashmi Al-Khair” program on YouTube, produced by Al Taj News to support underprivileged families through in-kind, monetary, and food parcel donations.
Orange Jordan said that supporting underprivileged families, the community, as well as activities that spread joy is part of its role as a responsible digital leader, noting that the company values partnerships for good with governmental, private, charity, and civil society institutions.
“We strongly believe in the social role of our employees, as we encourage and enable them to volunteer in various occasions, including Ramadan, to create a positive impact”, the company added.
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