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With mobile post-paid lines, stay connected without the need for top-up cards and get a discount on wide range of mobile phones and special numbers, starting from JD 15/month!
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YO! Best offers for the youth of age between 18-29, unlimited internet and 100 JD discount on devices.
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اكتشف المزيد
Staying connected with my family in Egypt Unlimited minutes and a large data bundle with Um Al Dunya 15 postpaid line
A distinguished governorate pay monthly /cost control offer that gives you remarkable features to be all the time in comfort with the strongest network and the best internet provider in Jordan.
The best mobile postpaid lines dedicated for the Jordanian Armed Forces -The Arab Army and security forces and their families, unlimited internet and discount on devices.
With pay monthly offers, you can enjoy discount on a wide range of 5G handsets based on monthly fees and commitment period Terms and conditions apply
With pay monthly offers, you can get a golden number
You can use flexible minutes to call other local networks and 45 international destinations (USA, Canada, Bangladesh, Brunei, India, Cyprus, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Finland, Brazil, Alaska, Hungary, Pakistan, Taiwan, Paraguay, Virgin Islands, Faro Iceland, Indonesia, Mariana Is. (Saipan), Martinique, Namibia, Netherland, Chile, Bermuda, American Samoa, Australia, China, Colombia, Denmark, Guam, Iceland, Ireland, Korea (South), Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Norway, Peru, Romania, Slovak, Sweden, Hawaii, Singapore, & Puerto Rico). Terms and conditions apply.
Once you finish your bundle you can browse unlimited internet at lower speeds (20 GB for maximum consumption) automatically.
You can benefit from a percentage of the remaining data automatically
You can receive calls while roaming for 10 piaster / minute after finishing the built in bundle